Specifically, he was accused of running up big tabs for personal expenses related to a mistress. 具体地说,他被指控在与一位情妇有关的个人开销上数额巨大。
When you're running a site and you're four people, are on the kitchen table, your operating expenses are relatively low. 当你运营一个网站,你们四人围坐在餐桌旁工作,由于运营费用较低。
Costs for maintenance of activities mainly cover training, construction and maintenance of facilities and running expenses. 活动维持费主要用于部队训练、工程设施建设及维护和日常消耗性支出;
It contains a detailed list of all budget headings for personnel, equipment and running expenses. 它还包含一个详细的清单,涉及人事、设备和管理费用的全部预算项目。
Is your salary enough to cover your running expenses there? 那你们的工资够你们在那儿的开销吗?
On the percentage of water charges to disposable income and living expenditure in North China The rapid rising ratio of operating water costs to running expenses requires municipal wastewater reclamation for supplying water in Harbin generate electricity corporation. 华北地区城镇居民水费支出占收入与消费的比例研究哈尔滨发电有限责任公司目前生产用水水费支出在经营性成本中的比例逐年上升,准备利用城市污水作为电厂的补充用水。
Some indexes, such as SO2 emission, investment, running expenses, desulfurization cost and capacity of dealing pollutant etc., were estimated to evaluate the schemes. 并对各预案条件下的SO2排放量、投资运行费用、脱硫成本、污染物处理能力等各项性能指标进行估算量化,初步分析了各预案的优劣势。
Heat transfer enhancement is one kind of new power conservation technology for obviously improving heat-transfer property. Its main content is adopting strengthen heat-transfer element, improving on heat exchanger structure, increasing heat transfer efficiency, so as to make facility investment and running expenses lowest. 强化传热技术是指能显著改善传热性能的节能新技术,其主要内容是采用强化传热元件,改进换热器结构,提高传热效率,从而使设备投资和运行费用最低。
These works will rise the bridge safety that insure the function running, extending service life, it can also economize the expenses of the bridge maintain, increasing the performance of the bridge synthesize to use. 这些工作将起到确保桥梁安全运营、延长使用寿命的作用,也可以节约桥梁的维修费用,提高桥梁的综合使用效益。
It debated that high constructing fund and higher running expenses are presently influencing the development of urban sewage treatment in China. 阐述了影响我国城市污水处理事业发展主要制约因素为建设投资大和运营费高。
The rapid rising ratio of operating water costs to running expenses requires municipal wastewater reclamation for supplying water in Harbin generate electricity corporation. 哈尔滨发电有限责任公司目前生产用水水费支出在经营性成本中的比例逐年上升,准备利用城市污水作为电厂的补充用水。
The time of indoor temperature rising is lagged about 3 hours relative to the unit heating time, which is beneficial for adopting the intermittent heating mode to reduce running expenses. 室内温度变化相对机组供热时间滞后3h,有利于采用间歇运行方式降低运行费用。
The purpose of wind energy utilization is to reduce conventional energy consumption, to avoid environmental pollution, to reduce the running expenses, and to use as an auxiliary energy to benefit the people. 风能利用的目的在于节约常规能源并使无污染的免费可再生风力作为一种辅助能源造福于人民。
This technology has advantages of good treatment efficiency, easy operation, low running expenses, and so on. 利用粉煤灰吸附处理含铬废水,具有处理效果好,操作简单,运行费用低等优点。
The main affecting factors of scale efficiency of insurance are running expenses and premium. The negative effect of running expenses is larger than the positive effect of premium. 影响保险公司规模效率的主要因素是经营费用和保费收入,经营费用的负向影响作用大于保费收入的正向作用。
Its establishment will affect much on the proper construction and running of the system of Civil Litigation Expenses. 它的科学确立对民事诉讼费用制度的合理构建运行有着至关重要的影响。